When society contemplates how to reduce instances of drinking and driving, the focus is placed on the individual doing the drinking and their surrounding support group. As such, it is easy to forget that law enforcement personnel play a key role in reducing the damage of a DUI by arresting suspects in a more timely manner.
A recent Florida panel drove home just that point, suggesting more law enforcement training is needed to effectively handle Florida DUI cases. At a forum hosted by the Naples Daily News, panelists came together to discuss the matter after the Naples Daily News found that police across Florida routinely permit DUI manslaughter suspects to go free without facing charges after a crash. This unfortunate occurrence exists despite the fact many incidents involve probable cause for arrest. In the interim, at least 45 of those suspects have since gone on to become fugitives or commit new crimes.
Scott Walter, one of the panelists who has spent more than 25 years investigating homicide traffic cases in Florida, asserted that greater emphasis must be placed on training and retaining qualified investigators within Florida law enforcement.
While the panelists were all in agreement that the current system is failing, the situation is too dire to ignore. According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), the most recent year of data demonstrates that 27.5% of all traffic deaths were a result of drunk driving. Additionally, 40,677 arrests were made, but one can only speculate how many arrests were not made due to lack of police training. The taxpayer subsidy of the 685 driving fatalities of the most recent year on record cost Florida taxpayers a staggering $3.5 billion in subsidy costs.
As one can imagine, Florida takes DUI charges seriously. In 2014, Florida expanded existing DUI and ignition interlock laws to allow judges to order interlocks for first-time offenders with a BAC between .08 and .14. Even a first DUI offense in Florida can result in 6 months imprisonment.
DUI Charges Demand an Experienced Florida DUI Defense Attorney
In short, the stakes of drunk driving in Florida are high for lawmakers, drunk drivers, and drunk driving victims alike. If you have been charged with a DUI in Florida, you need an attorney who will fight for you in negotiations and in the courtroom. A criminal conviction can mar your reputation, damage your career and destroy relationships. You need an attorney who will fight to have your charges dismissed or reduced, minimizing the damage the DUI charge will have on your future.
John F. Greene is a Destin DUI lawyer who represents DUI defendants and their legal rights from his Destin office. John represents those charged with a DUI throughout the Emerald Coast and Northwest Florida, including Okaloosa, Walton, Santa Rosa and Bay Counties. He also represents the communities of Destin, Fort Walton Beach, Niceville, Santa Rosa Beach and Panama City.
Contact John F. Greene or call 850-424-6833 to get the help you need to get your Florida DUI charge reduced or dismissed.