A woman recently struck 10 different cars while driving from Florida to Georgia. The spate of crashes started at some point in the early afternoon when police received several calls about hit-and-runs headed east on Interstate 295. Then, additional calls of accidents came in reporting hit-and-run behavior headed north on Interstate 295.
As it turns out, all these reports were the action of one woman. According to police, Brandy Stroud Gleaton struck eight cars in Florida and two in Georgia as she drove from Jacksonville to Camden County. Gleaton even struck a deputy cruiser when police attempted to stop her vehicle after tracking her down.
Making the news more dangerous is the fact Gleaton was accompanied in the vehicle with two minor children while the accidents were taking place. According to police records, Gleaton is facing DUI charges for the accidents as well as DUI-endangering a child under 14 years of age, DUI-driving under the influence of drugs and a seat belt violation.
Given the severity of the soon-to-be defendant’s alleged behavior in this story, she will need a criminal defense lawyer who will raise all possible defenses in the hopes that her charges will be reduced.
Florida DUI Charges
DUI and drug offenses like the ones Ms. Gleaton was charged with are enforced aggressively in the state of Florida. However, if you are stopped for suspicion of DUI, you have the legal right to refuse a field sobriety test or Breathalyzer tests if you have not been in an accident involving serious injury or death.
That said, legal punishments for a DUI conviction are significant. A first conviction carries the risk of 6 months imprisonment, but more often convictions lead to one year of probation, fines, and community service.
Additional convictions, however, carry more significant consequences. In the case of Ms. Gleaton, a DUI that endangers minors is the most significant legal issue in her case.
If a passenger is under 18 while the driver is under the influence, Florida law allows for additional penalties. These additional penalties are outlined by § 316.193 (4) of the 2016 Florida Statutes.
Specifically, anyone who is convicted of a DUI and has a blood or breath-alcohol level of 0.15 or higher and was accompanied by a person under the age of 18 at the time of the offense is punished by:
- A fine not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000 for a first conviction
- A fine not less than $2,000 or more than $4,000 for a second conviction
- A fine not less than $4,000 for a third or subsequent conviction
- Imprisonment of no more than 9 months for a first conviction
- Imprisonment of no more than 12 months for a second conviction
If you are facing the reality of a DUI charge, John F. Green is a Destin DUI defense lawyer who will fight to have your charges dismissed or reduced. From his Destin office, John represents the legal rights of DUI defendants in Destin as well as defendants throughout the Emerald Coast and Northwest Florida, including Santa Rosa, Walton, Bay and Okaloosa Counties. John also represents DUI defendants in the communities of Destin, Niceville, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City and Santa Rosa Beach.
Contact attorney John F. Greene or call 850-424-6833 to receive legal representation from a DUI defense lawyer who will raise all possible legal defenses on your behalf.